Cancellation the QFFE 2020 Conference and Spring School

Dear all,

Given the exceptional situation related to Covid-19, we have decided to cancel the QFFE Conference and Spring School.

Thank you for submitting a paper to this event.

We look forward to meeting you next year.

Please note in your calendar that the 4th QFFE edition will be held in Marseille between the end of May and the beginning of June 2021.

Best wishes to you and your family.

Sébastien Laurent

International Conference - June 4-5, 2020

The QFFE conference is an annual event that brings together researchers in empirical finance and financial econometrics from around the world in a relaxed environment.

- Patrick Gagliardini, University of Lugano
- George Tauchen, Duke University

- Christian Brownlees, Universitat Pompeu Fabra
- Ilze Kalnina, North Carolina State University

>> Extended deadline for the paper submission (on the website): March 18th, 2020


Spring School - June 2-3, 2020

The spring school that precedes the QFFE conference allows PhD students and academics from all over the world to attend two doctoral level courses in empirical finance and financial econometrics.

- Patrick Gagliardini, University of Lugano
- George Tauchen, Duke University

>> Deadline for the CV submission (by email): March 23rd, 2020


Previous conferences

QFFE 2019: June 3rd to June 7th, 2019
QFFE 2018: May 28th to June 1st, 2018


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